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In Leadership in 5G, Dr. Howard Fero distills over two decades of leadership development expertise into a potent formula designed to empower both emerging and seasoned leaders. The 5Gs, a set of strategic tools, are designed to catapult you, your team, and your organization towards success. The book delves into self-awareness, effective communication, understanding your team, equipping them for success, and knowing when to step back. It features insightful interviews with leadership experts from diverse fields, each sharing their unique strategies and best practices for 5G Leadership. 
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Dr. Howard Fero's 5G Leadership Program will elevate your organization's performance through Practical Keynotes with actionable insights, engaging Interactive Training Programs that apply real-world scenarios, and personalized Leadership and Executive Coaching. 

Connect your team to 5G and witness the power of the leadership in your network!

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The 5G Network of Leadership

Get Up. This G is about you. How well do you know yourself? Do you know your leadership style? Have you mastered self-management? Discovering your purpose and the things you are passionate about are critical to knowing who you are as a leader. Executing effectively as a leader means knowing how to set goals and achieve them, manage your time, and lead yourself.

Get Out There. This G is about how you show up amongst the people you lead. How do you build trust? How do you communicate? Who needs to know what, when, and why? It involves strategically involving other people in your personal growth journey and being a leader who is both seen and heard, not leading from afar.

Get to Know Your People. Getting to know your people is just how it sounds: It’s about understanding who is on your team and what makes them tick. People love to be known, and when they feel understood, they naturally want to work harder. When you know your people, you can provide effective feedback in the best-received style. An organizational culture where people are known is one where they can thrive.

Give Them What They Need. Once you know your people, you better know how to equip them for success. A person’s needs transcend their job training; each person has varying priorities, personalities, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Building an environment and a role tailored to each person’s unique needs profoundly impacts retention and employee satisfaction.

Get Out of the Way! Many leaders love to be involved in the details but choose the wrong details to involve themselves with. If you’ve hired the right people, gotten to know them, and given them what they need, the organization should be equipped to run like a well-oiled machine. This frees you up to focus on the bigger-picture aspects of mission, vision, and long-term success.

Don't forget the Bonus G. Now that you've learned about the 5Gs, explored your strengths, passions, and purpose; created a plan to connect with your team; designed strategies to understand and provide those around you with all they need to succeed; and gotten yourself into the right mindset to let them do their job, its't time to Get to Work!

I am always looking for staff trainings where staff leave feeling motivated and invigorated by the challenging work we do. Dr. Fero provided that for us and more. We are so grateful.



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