Workshops & Training
Some Workshops Include:
+ Major League Leadership
+ Leadership in 5G
+ Vision and Mission Alignment
+ Rewards, Recognition and Motivation
+ Effective Communication and Decision Making
+ Goal Setting and Motivating Ourselves to Success
+ Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking
+ Leading and Working on High Performance Teams
+ Positive Leadership
Vision and Goals for the New Year

The TLD Leadership Institute
The TLD Leadership Institute is a six-month, comprehensive development program for executives, supervisors, and rising stars to cultivate their leadership strengths, that includes interactive group workshops, individual coaching and leadership assessment tools to develop the most effective leaders and productive team members for your organizations.
+ Six interactive group workshops
+ Six one-on-one strategic coaching sessions
+ Leadership assessments
+ A leadership doc journal
+ An autographed copy of "Lead Me Out to the Ballgame: Stories and Strategies to Develop Major League Leadership
Training Sessions
Workshops are conducted monthly and last approximately 2 hours. Interactive discussions and group exercises let participants explore the components necessary to becoming an effective leader. Prior to each workshop participants are provided with several articles which will give them the background to be actively engaged in the sessions. The TLD Leadership Institute is capped at 15 participants for optimal interaction between the facilitator and the participants.
Coaching Component
Each month Institute participants have one-on-one time to work with The Leadership Doc on ways material delivered in the monthly training workshop can be applied specifically to their situation. These individual sessions give participants the opportunity to be open with issues and goals they face in a confidential and safe environment, and help them to truly master the skills they are developing. Participants complete leadership assessments to aid in their understanding of their leadership strengths and areas for improvement. They will explore their strengths and areas for improvement, and work with their Coach to apply concepts from the workshops to their everyday work.
Culminating Project
Applying theory to practice is a key ingredient in The TLD Leadership Institute. The key to success is how the above can be put to practice. At the conclusion of the program participants will be tasked to work with colleagues from the Institute on a program, initiative, or process within their organization that can be aided by the concepts they have learned. Participants will present their work to their colleagues within our group, and if desired, organizational leaders may attend these presentations, as well. For in-house programs only.